As a child, Santa Claus had rockstar status at Christmastime.
As an adult, specifically an adult who is an avid vintage collector, Bob Richter is my Christmas rockstar.

Bob Richter is an accomplished author and designer, a television star from PBS’ Market Warriors and, most importantly, a really sweet guy who so graciously took time to allow the Christmas Gals to interview him.
Bob’s book, A Very Vintage Christmas is a joy to read, whether you are a collector not. Its not a price guide or a directory of vintage Christmas décor, instead its a love letter to our childhood and generations of holiday memories.
I had reached out to Bob with a request for an interview, expecting at most a ‘thanks but no thanks’ response. Instead, the rockstar, I mean Bob, responded with warmth and kindness and an enthusiastic YES. I screamed seeing that he had agreed to my request!
CHRISTMAS GALS: Your vintage collection started when you were quite young, Bob. Tell us about that.
BOB: My brother took me to yard sales and thrift stores looking for bluebird china like we had in our home growing up. He wanted to assemble a set and we did so piece by piece. I have his collection today, and I continue to add to it.
My Dad gave me my first box of vintage ornaments and then I’d go to auctions with him to add to the collection. I even took out an ad in the local newspaper asking if people wanted to sell their old ornaments. It worked! My Dad drove me to their homes and I bought them! I still have them today (in addition to thousands of others)!
Another huge influence was an antiques dealer who hired me when I was an undergrad at NYU. I worked for her for years and we became dear friends. She taught me all about Art Deco and that really shaped my love of decorative pieces from that era.
CHRISTMAS GALS: Your vintage Christmas collection exceeds 2,500 pieces (maybe more since you shared that tidbit in A Very Vintage Christmas). Do you have a favorite piece?
BOB: My collection is now about doubled in size! I would say my favorite piece is the blow mold Santa that my brother had under my first Christmas tree that he decorated for me as a surprise. These things, when given with love, create powerfully happy memories. When I look at it today, I smile and think of him and how much I felt loved and seen by him.

CHRISTMAS GALS: How did you turn your passion for collecting into a career?
BOB: Well, again I have to credit my family. I grew up in the family interior design business so I had to learn how to sew. My grandmother also took me with her on visits to clients’ homes, so I gained a real appreciation for color and style. My grandmother was a master at color blocking and creating something out of nothing. So I bring that to the table, thanks to her. Couple it with the treasure hunting expertise I gained from my brother, Dad and Sunny and that helped a lot.

Oh, and my high school teachers really encouraged writing…I was Editor-in-Chief of my high school newspaper, which won the top honors from Columbia University. That gave me confidence in my writing, which I honed at NYU. Incidentally, I’ve also been teaching Communications at NYU for the past 20 years. I’m at the point in my life where I love all the things that I do and all the experience that has led up to now has really shaped who I’ve become professionally.
CHRISTMAS GALS: There are so many new Christmas ornaments and décor items out there. Why should we consider vintage?
BOB: I am a huge fan of mixing styles and periods, old and new. For example, I use new pre-lit trees and lights, etc. But for the special decorations, nothing beats vintage. In addition to the quality and craftsmanship, vintage pieces conjure up comfort, connection and continuity. They have great emotional value and bring back so many memories. I always say that vintage pieces are great connectors. No matter your socioeconomic status, education or political affiliation….if your grandmother had the same Christmas ornaments as mine, we have something to talk about. Hearts open and there’s an opportunity to come together. I love that.

“…if your grandmother had the same Christmas ornaments as mine, we have something to talk about. Hearts open and there’s an opportunity to come together. I love that. “
Bob Richter
CHRISTMAS GALS: I love your idea to give vintage ornaments as gifts to family and friends. Are you giving vintage gifts this year?
BOB: Oh yes, I give vintage gifts every year. I just bought a Victorian mourning shawl from a woman whose great-grandmother made it. It’ll be a gift for my dear friend who loves vintage clothing. I also have some special ornaments put aside for people I know will appreciate them. Most people don’t shop at the places I do, so they don’t have the access to vintage. I buy pieces all year long and put them aside for the holidays.

CHRISTMAS GALS: What is your advice to someone thinking about starting a vintage collection?
BOB: Buy what you love. Buy what makes you happy.

CHRISTMAS GALS: Here are some quick questions for you…Santa or snowmen?
BOB: Tough one! Of course l love them both, but if I can only choose one it’s Santa. He’s a symbol of giving.
CHRISTMAS GALS: Colored lights or white lights?
BOB: White lights inside. Colored lights outside.
CHRISTMAS GALS: Real tree or artificial?
BOB: Real for the big ones. Artificial for the small ones. I now decorate 20 (6 real, 14 artificial)
CHRISTMAS GALS: Tinsel or no tinsel?
BOB: No tinsel. I love the look, but ultimately it blocks the ornaments.

Bob Richter’s A Very Vintage Christmas is available at most bookstores and online at Amazon and other booksellers. He is also the author of Vintage Living. Both titles make a great holiday gift!
To learn more about Bob and his work, follow him on Instagram @Bob_Richter. On Facebook, be sure to follow @VintageLivingWorld and @VeryVintageChristmasBook.
Many thanks to Bob for this incredible opportunity! I’m both humbled and touched by his kindness; and grateful to call him a new friend.
-Christmas Gal Maureen
PHOTO CREDIT: Unless noted, photos included in this piece by Ethan David Kent, Daniel Yund and culled from the web.