The holidays will fly by and The Christmas Gals want to be sure that you and your family are doing all the fun and important things together this Christmas.
Here is a (printable) bucket list for you and your family to follow:
Build a gingerbread house

Gingerbread houses come as easy kits at most retailers. And, for $10-15, your family can work together to decorate these nostalgic Christmas creations.
Bake cookies for nursing home
Make a few extra batches of your favorite Christmas cookies for an area nursing home.
Go looking for best Christmas lights

Make it a family tradition! Dress in comfy pajamas, pour some hot cocoa in travel mugs and go for a drive in search of the very best light displays.
Donate to local food pantry

Whether you have started a Reverse Advent Calendar with your family or simply want to deliver a few bags of groceries and canned goods, local food pantries are in need and your family can make a difference!
Go caroling
Break out those song books and go caroling in your neighborhood or at a local nursing home.
Watch The Polar Express

You and your family should take in all the Christmas classics this season, but one movie in particular has become a new classic and a must-see each season…Polar Express.
Do a random act of kindness
Whether its picking up the bill for the person behind you at Starbucks or visiting an elderly neighbor, make it purposeful and pay it forward as a family.
Create family ornaments together
Paint pinecones, make salt-dough ornaments or find a new Christmas ornament on Pinterest that you and the famly can make together.
Build a snowman
Sing it Anna! If you are blessed enough to have snow, put on those snow pants and make an Olaf together.
Donate unused toys
This Christmas so many of us will be overwhelmed by the amount of toys and gadgets that our kids will receive. As a family, fill a bag with unused toys, books and clothing and donate it to your local Goodwill.
Go ice skating

You will fall. But that’s okay! Head to the rink and have a great time together slipping and sliding on the ice.
Attend a tree lighting ceremony
Every community and many churches will host an official tree lighting event. Check local listings and join in the community celebration this season!
Play board games together

Turn off the TV and electronics and play some board games together. Its refreshing to find out just how much fun it is to play together!
Make hot cocoa from scratch

Put down the Swiss Miss and break out the original Hershey’s Cocoa. Together, learn how to make hot cocoa the old-fashioned (and yummy) way!
Make popcorn garland
Pop unsalted popcorn and teach your kiddos how to string popcorn garland. Of course, eating the popcorn as your go is encouraged!
Mail a letter to Santa

Use nice stationary and fancy pens to write a family letter to Santa this year!
See a live nativity

Its the reason for the season! Join in or attend a local church’s live nativity. Many involve live animals which your children will enjoy!
Read A Christmas Carol by Dickens
Charles Dickens classic novel is a must-read each holiday. Start this tradition by reading a few pages each night.
Have a birthday party for Jesus
Bake a birthday cake, sing ‘Happy Birthday’…whatever you decide, its important, especially with children, to recognize the significance of Jesus’ birthday.
Make your own ugly sweaters

Head to the thrift store and pick up some sweaters that you and the family can decorate with puff balls, pipe cleaners and any other crafts or doo-dads you can find.
Send Christmas cards to soldiers
Shutterfly offers great advice on how to send Christmas cards to soldiers.
Make comfort kits for the homeless

Comfort kits or blessing bags can be made up of whatever you decide….food, hygiene products, Christmas cards. Package a few to keep in the car and hand out to those in need.
Here is your downloable/printable Family Christmas Bucket List!